Sunday, January 23, 2011

The First Hello.

Hi, my name is Kate Young and I am from Olney, Maryland, just outside of Washington D.C.

Over winter break I tested out the new Skype with group calling and I was able to talk and see 6 of my college friends at once. We were able to see eachother’s houses and talk about our various breaks all together. I also got a Blackberry over break.

I screen captured this picture from Skype over break. These are some of my friends from school.

One of my favorite aspects of media culture today is the ability to keep in touch with people from all over the country. You are able to stay updated with people you love even from the other side of the world.

                                           This video shows a mans entire life purely through Facebook.

One of my least favorite parts is the fact that it has made our generation so easily distracted. All of the different pieces of technology make it hard for people to just pay attention to one.

I do not know what I want to be doing after I graduate college but I am a Marketing major and interested in advertising.